See below for English description.
Henley rentre un soir de l’école avec comme devoir de trouver son livre préféré. Ne sachant pas comment s’y prendre, il se rend à la bibliothèque et à la librairie. Il observe beaucoup de livres, de toutes les formes et de toutes les tailles, mais aucun d’entre eux ne lui donne envie d’en lire davantage. Son échec se transforme pourtant rapidement en triomphe : sa mère a gardé tous les livres qu’il avait écrits quand il était plus jeune. Henley a alors une excellente idée…
When the daunting task of finding his favourite book is assigned at school, Henley is at a loss. He goes to the library and the bookstore. He looks at so many books of all shapes and sizes, but none of them have made Henley excited enough to read more. Henley returns home, but defeat quickly turns to triumph with one exciting discovery: his mother kept all the books that he wrote when he was younger. Perhaps his favourite book in the whole wide world is closer than he thought…
Original title: My Very Favourite Book in the Whole Wide World